I’ve been chasing the “bad-guys” in one way or another since 1976. I guess it’s in my blood. My dad was a cop too. Tragically, he was killed in the line of duty in 1979 by a knife wielding lunatic. He got one shot into the guy, but it wasn’t enough. I was in the third week of the LA Sheriff’s Academy when that happened. After graduation, I worked for several local agencies including the Manhattan Beach Police Department, the Beverly Hills Police Department, and the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Then in 1994, I was appointed a Special Agent with the California Department of Justice. I worked major narcotics cases, organized crime, unsolved homicide, and internal affairs. Collateral with these assignments I was a firearms and tactics instructor with the LA office. From 1999 to 2008, I was a member of the FBI’s “Joint Terrorism Task Force” in Los Angeles. After 9/11, I was promoted to Task Force Commander and took command of a multi-agency counter-terrorism task force based in Southern California for the California Department of Justice. I retired in 2008 from DOJ and deployed to Iraq as an embedded counter-terrorism/organized crime subject matter expert working counter-IED with the US Army. While in-country, I traveled around central and southern Iraq and participated in counter insurgency operations. I rotated back to the US and took a position as an intelligence/terrorism analyst with the Department of Defense, working on Guantanamo detainee cases. I also served as an intelligence analyst and counter-terrorism advisor to the Long Beach Police Department. I later held a staff assignment at the U.S. Special Operations Command in Tampa, Florida.
Currently, I oversee southeastern US security operations for an international corporation. I have published three magazine articles and had a feature script optioned by a production company in Hollywood, California. My wife Lisa Kridos is a TV executive. When I’m not writing or chasing bad guys, I’m either annoying the local trout population or my new grandson. I’m also an avid history buff and never miss an opportunity to visit an old battlefield, church, or castle. I also enjoy making really old guns go bang and occasionally the new ones too.