“The Immortal 32” The never ending fight for freedom

On March 1st, I was watching images of average Ukrainians not trained soldiers, but ordinary men and women,  picking up weapons and moving towards the front to resist the Russian invaders. At that moment I thought about a similar example in American history which I thought I would share with you.

My God bless and protect those brave Ukrainians who are willing to risk everything to save their beloved country. May their sacrifices not be in vain. I hope you find the following both interesting and inspirational.


In the wee hours of March 1st 1836, 32 Texan rebels eluded Mexican Army pickets and cavalry to make their way into the Alamo. Most of the 32 were part of the “Gonzalez Ranging Company” based in Gonzalez Texas. The rest were volunteers from neighboring towns or stragglers trying to make their way into the beleaguered fort. They were farmers, merchants, and towns folk, few had real military experience. At this point in the thirteen-day siege which began on February 23, 1836, the tiny Alamo garrison was completely surrounded by an estimated 1500 to 2000 Mexican soldiers under the command of General Antonio Lopez De Santa Ana.

On March 1st the estimated 160-200 Alamo defenders were in desperate shape.  They had been subjected to a daily bombardment, their supplies were running out and most importantly they were seriously outnumbered. The Alamo compound of 1836 covered three acres and was more a ramshackle collection of buildings than a proper 19th century fortification. The Alamo that people visit today represents but a tiny fraction of its actual footprint in 1836. It would have taken at least 400 or more properly trained and equipped soldiers to adequately defend the fort.  Only a few of the Alamo defenders had any serious military training.

As they picked their way through the extensive Mexican lines, the 32 had to know that the defenders inside the fort were greatly outnumbered. Yet they moved forward, risking everything to join their friends and neighbors inside the Alamo. They were also likely aware that the Mexican Army had raised the infamous blood red banner and played a haunting bugle tune called the Deguello (meaning throat cut) which signaled no prisoners would be taken when the fort fell. At one point a nervous Alamo defender fired a shot, wounding one of the 32 in the foot. Yet they continued onward and finally made their way inside sealing their fates. Today they are known as the “Immortal 32.”  Here are their names:

George Kimball 33, commander, Albert Martin, Isaac Baker, John Cain, George Cottle, David Cummins, Jacob Darst, John Davis, Squire Daymon, William Deardruff, Charles Despallier, Almaron Dickenson, William Fishbaugh, John Flanders, Dolphin Floyd, Galva Fuqua, John Garvin,

John Gaston, James George, Thomas Jackson, Benjamin Kellogg, Andrew Kent, William King, Jonathan Lindley, Jesse McCoy, Thomas Miller, Issac Millsaps, George Neggan, William Summers, George Tumlinson, Robert White, Claiborne Wright.

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